Category Archives: Electrician trade

Electrician trade

Trade Name Electrician
Course Duration 2 Year
Minimum Qualification 10th Pass with science.
Apprenticeship Training 3 Years including 2 year basic Training
Skills Acquired
1 Knowledge of generation, transmission and distribution line
2 Overhead differing kinds of insulators.
3 Earthing employed in station, powerhouse, lighting arrestor, reactor, and differing kinds of capacitors in AC/DC circuit employed in electronic and electrical installation in industries.
4 Construction of various styles of batteries and electrolytes employed in it, he shall able to prepare and repair batteries in workshop.
5 Servicing and repairing of table fan, ceiling fan, fan, hair dryer, mixer, liquidizer, grinder, water pump, washer, AC/DC generator, transformers, magnetic attraction clutches and relays employed in AC/DC circuit.
6 Design prepare HT/CT panel boards used for industries / workshop. sight Fault in several styles of AC and DC starter and motor timer employed in factories and workshop and take up maintenance of machinery like shaper, machine, shaper, capson shaper, CNC machine, Connect differing kinds of measuring system on the panel boards.
7 Hand winding and machine winding of transformers, field coils of DC motors, rewinding of coil stator coil winding bell/Buzzer/NVC, OLC of DC starter.
Employment Option
work as a lineman / Wireman /maintenance electrician electrical supervisor / electrical contractor / service technician/expert re-winder/ lab technician /electrical maintenance Forman in Private Industries and Govt. Sector.