Companies like sole propriety, private / public limited, registered under companies act, societies &
trusts registered as per act, and promoters of SEZs, etc. are permitted to open ITIs/ITCs as well as Trainers Training Institutes and seek affiliation from NCVT.
• Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and Industrial Training Centres (ITCs) are now uniformly
known as Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). Private Institutes should use the word ‘Private’ and institutions set up by Government or Govt. agencies should use the word ‘Government’ as under for naming the institute.
o XXXXXXXXX Government Industrial Training Institute
o XXXXXXXXX Private Industrial Training Institute
• The application is to be submitted to the respective State/UT Director dealing with Craftsmen
Training (detailed list is annexed) in the prescribed proforma given in Training Manual for Industrial
Training Institutes and Centers (a copy of prescribed Performa attached at annexure-I)
• The State Director will scrutinize the application and after judging the authenticity and financial
position of the applicant shall convey provisional permission to the deserving cases for starting the
institute and ask them to make all necessary arrangement for pre-inspection by State/UT.
• The management of the institute shall make all necessary arrangement and create infrastructural
facilities for the proposed Trades/Units as per prescribed norms of NCVT. Tool & Equipment list
are given in syllabus of each trades.
• After creating necessary facilities, the institute may report to the concerned State/UT Director
requesting them for pre-inspection of the institute by the state director.
• The State Director will scrutinize the preliminary inspection report and after having satisfied with
the report, he/she will constitute the standing committee for inspection.
• The Standing Committee after verifying available infrastructural facilities and arrangements made
by the institute may recommend affiliation for the deserving trades/units only.
• The inspection report of Standing Committee constituted by State Director of respective state
would be scrutinized by DGET for ascertaining compliance procedure. The affiliation of the
trade/units recommended by the Standing Committed will be considered. Only those trades/units
which confirm prescribed norms will be recommended by DGET to sub-committee of NCVT dealing
with affiliation for their consideration/approval. The final orders conveying grant of affiliation by
the sub-committee shall be issued by the Secretary, NCVT after obtaining their approval.
• Admissions are done twice in a year i.e. February & August of Calendar year.
• Affiliations granted by the sub-committee of NCVT dealing with affiliation from 1st January to 30th
June of Calendar year will be effective from session beginning August.
• Affiliations granted by the sub-committee of NCVT dealing with affiliation from 1st July to
31stDecemberwill be effective from session beginning February of next year.
• At present 125 trades are covered under CTS (Detailed List is annexed)
• Presently, there is no provision of any financial grant form Central Govt. to open /run any Private
ITI in any State.
• Any institute desirous of getting affiliation for new/additional trades/units in that institute has to
ensure that no untrained instructors for already affiliated trades/units are there in that
• Government and Private ITIs seeking affiliation from NCVT must apply for a minimum of two units
(or multiple of two units) of a trade at a time and appoint two instructors one for each unit , as
per norms. Out of these two instructors, one instructor must be with Diploma/Degree in relevant
branch of engineering from recognized board/university and experience prescribed by NCVT.
For more detail…..